
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pasta and Mushroom Wine Sauce

 I hesitate to call this a Marsala Wine Sauce because I didn't use Marsala we'll just call it a "Mushroom Wine Sauce." I wanted to make a sauce similar to the one I love from my favorite Italian restaurant and decided to just use one of the white wines I had at home. I had a Riesling and a Moscato and went with the Moscato because of the similar sweet qualities that I taste in a Marsala sauce. It turned out AH-mazing! 
My kids are with family for a couple weeks for summer vacation so this was my opportunity to cook something they wouldn't usually eat. They don't like anything with big hunks of onion, or mushrooms for that matter. This should be a fun couple weeks for me in the kitchen. I can make all the spicy, oniony, garlicy, crazy creations I want!

What You'll Need:
 3 TBS Olive Oil
1/4 cup onion, sliced
1 TBS garlic, chopped ( I used 3 cloves of garlic, pressed)
1/2 pound mushroom, sliced
3 TBS flour
1/2 cup white wine
1 ½ cups beef stock
salt and pepper to taste

What You'll Do:
Add olive oil to a heavy, hot saucepan. Add onions, garlic, and mushrooms. Saute until the mushrooms are tender. Add flour, stir to coat the veggies, and cook about 1 minute. Deglaze the pan with the 1/2 cup wine. Add the beef stock and cook until the sauce thickens.  Serve over baked chicken breast or pasta. (Or both!)

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