
Friday, August 2, 2013

Mango Salsa

This summer my family took a trip to Wyoming for, what I would consider, our first 'real' family vacation. We drove over 17 hours one way to visit my brother and his family in Northern Wyoming. They chauffeured us all over the landscape taking us to really some cool places. One of the days we did the 'tourist' thing and spent the day in Cody, Wyoming; walking the main street and visiting all the shops.
One of our favorite little shops was the "Wyoming Buffalo Co." A specialty shop filled with products 'Made in Wyoming.' They had all kinds of sauces, jams, sausages, cheese, salsas... all made in Wyoming from local small businesses. The best part was the samples! We could sample the BBQ sauces, syrups, salsas... even the sausage! We tried buffalo and venison sausage...yummy!
My favorite salsa (because of course, I'd choose to buy something hot!) was a mango-habanero salsa. So delicious. It was spicy and sweet at the same time. So good. The only problem? It came in a 2 cup mason jar and I'm nearly out all ready! The other problem?

It's a 17hr drive to Wyoming to get some more!
So, I did what I usually do. I came up with my own version. This salsa was different than my Super EASY salsa. This salsa had a more cohesive consistency (if that makes any sense)...and the veggies were soft like it had been cooked. So that's what I did. I was totally winging it as I had not ever attempted a cooked salsa before. But I have to say, I really liked it. The only problem? This one didn't last very long either! Time for another batch ;)

What You'll Need:
1 Tbs olive oil
Half an onion, diced
1 ripe mango. Peeled and diced. (Check out this site on how to cut and dice a mango.)
2 jalapenos, diced. Leave the veins and seeds in tact if you want the heat. (You can use a habanero if you're brave enough! I just didn't have any on hand). 
1 small (8oz) can crushed pineapple
1 15oz can diced tomatoes (blended)
¼ tsp ground cumin

What You'll Do:
Heat the oil in a medium sized sauce pot.
Add the diced onions and cook and stir over med-high heat until caramelized.
Add the diced mango and jalapenos. Cook and stir until the jalapenos begin to soften.
Add the crushed pineapple. Stir. Lower the heat and simmer.
While the pot is simmering, place the diced tomatoes in a blender and give them a quick spin just to crush them. Add the blended tomatoes to the sauce pot. Add the cumin. Stir. Cover and simmer for 10-15 mins. Remove from heat and allow to cool in the pot. Store in an air tight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. If it lasts that long!

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